What is a Meeting like?
Who we are.
Our experience teaches us that God is ready to speak directly with each and every person in the world, right now. From this we learn that every person is loved and has dignity and great worth in God's eyes, and therefore deserves the same from us. We try to live in ways that are welcoming and affirming to all people everywhere, that improve our ability to hear God's guidance, and that free us to follow that guidance without hindrance.
The power of Silence.
Because of who we are, our worship is designed to improve our ability to hear God, our Guide. We gather in silence, listening for the Divine conversation to continue. If one of us is moved by God to share a vocal message, or sing a song, or to lift our hearts in prayer, they are free and encouraged to do so. If not, the hour or so of worship could be completely silent as we listen together.
You are welcome here.
There is no human leader in our worship, paid or unpaid, clergy or laity. Come as you are, in sports jacket & tie or T-shirt & shorts - all are equally acceptable. Everyone participates equally, whether male or female, young or old, LGBTQ+ or cisgender, this race or that, long-time member or first-time visitor.
It is our experience that by worshipping together we can hear God's voice and understand God's guidance more clearly than we can by ourselves. More listeners and more people engaged in this Divine conversation can only be a good thing. Please join us.
Quaker Speak explains what Quakers do in Silent Worship.
What are Quakers doing when they sit in silence on Sunday morning? In this interview by Quaker Speak, 7 Friends share their answers. Quaker Speak is a weekly video series. Click here to subscribe.
Filmed and Edited by Jon Watts www.JonWatts.com Music from this episode: www.JonWattsMusic.com