Friendship Friends Meeting
The origin of Friendship Friends meeting dates to the spring of 1968 when…
Young Friends of North America gathered at Guilford College and New Garden Friends Meeting. During the tumultuous time immediately following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., these young Friends wondered why there was on campus no “unprogrammed” Quaker worship, based on the tradition of silent worship as practiced by early Friends. This led to a group of students and faculty meeting in silent waiting in the Moon Room at Guilford College in the fall of 1968 and adopting the name Friendship Friends Meeting to reflect its location in Friendship Township of Guilford County, North Carolina. Friendship Friends continued to meet in the Moon Room for 19 years until in 1987 the Meeting purchased the house across from campus at 1103 New Garden Road and converted it into a meetinghouse.
In 1980 Friendship joined North Carolina Yearly Meeting-Conservative, currently comprised of eight monthly meetings in North Carolina and one in Virginia. The term “conservative” indicates the Yearly Meeting’s conserving the practices of early Quakers by observing silent worship and adhering to the testimonies of simplicity, integrity, peace, community, equality and stewardship of the earth and environment.
Since 1975 Friendship Meeting has maintained an explicit testimony of welcoming all who wish to worship with us and participate in the life of the Meeting, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We are a small group of devoted Friends coming from a variety of faith backgrounds and gathering together to seek the divine light in each other and in everyone we encounter. You are most welcome to join us.