We have switched to online Meetings.
While our building remains closed for our regular Meeting events, due to the current coronavirus threat, our community remains open and welcoming. Many of our weekly events have moved online, and you are encouraged to join us through the Zoom meeting platform. We are with each other in spirit, whether or not we are in the same room. You can find online meeting information under the Schedule tab. Contact us to request the Zoom access information for any Meeting you wish to attend.
“People keep asking ‘When will we be able to go back to our real lives?’—and I say, this is my real life. Real life is the life we’re given to inhabit every day, no matter the conditions. I’m striving to fully and faithfully inhabit my life, as it exists, right now.’
This message, offered during a meeting for worship with Friends from across New England this week, spoke to us. As it becomes clearer that our society and our world will not simply return to the conditions of life in February, Friends are inwardly reorienting how we relate to living in these times.”